United States
Are you sure your question is worded right?
Are you sure it wasn't asking for the North Eastern country? If so, here's that answer.
That would be the United States! Russia is a massive country and spans the northern portion of Eurasia reaching from eastern Europe to the Kamchatka Peninsula in northeast Asia. That peninsula is bordered by the Bering Strait, the body of water that separates Russia from the State of Alaska.
I've gone there before very memey if u asked me
Natural ecosystems are able to maintain a vibrant diversity of life because they incorporate intricate recycling systems that conserve essential materials.
The slope formula is y = mx + b, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept. So, the answer to this question would be -3.
Uh yeah they can but they dont know what he looks like look in the bible and it discribes what he could look like