Let's sort out the jumble:
<span>Advances in algebra and chemistry = Persia
Dividing a circle into 360 degrees = Assyria
Sexagesimal numbering system = Babylonia
Iron chariots = Hittite
First written language = Sumer
By the way, if the term "sexagesimal" isn't in your everyday vocabulary, that refers to a system based around the number 60. The Babylonians had specific, different symbols for each numeral up to 59.</span>
That's why we have books. The books some people believe and others just think they are old boring stories.
All citizens vote on goverment policy
Answer: The emperor did many things to unite China. Including building The Great Wall, standardizing currency and weight measures and building roads from and to many places inside the country. That being acknowledged, there are only two answers that represent those deeds.