I did the same topic. This is for flvs ela correct?
I am still doing the class so i can not give to much of my info away because they would know. Hmm. Okay, I can give you a s ite that will help you because it helped me. But pl z dont re port me for putting a si te, I am just trying to help.
I gave you the site to where you can pick your own we bsi te for it. The website I used is the top one.
You’re sitting in the stands, watching your child play hockey, when suddenly another player swings in from your child’s blindside for a devastating hit to the head. Later in the emergency room, a doctor gives you the news you were worried about; your child has a concussion. Brain injuries, specifically concussions, have come to the surface of most contact sports and these issues have many parents asking, ‘should my child be playing dangerous sports?’
First, I think it is important to identify what a dangerous sport is. A dangerous sport is a sport that creates significant risk for the participants, which could cause serious impairments to one’s ability to function normally on a day-to-day basis (Russell, 2005). Rules are in place in these sports to help avoid serious injury, but rules cannot prevent human error from occurring.
Should parents let their children play dangerous sports? To me, the answer is easy; yes, parents should let their children play. The benefits outweigh the risks of letting your child play.