pjohn thoroton yells at buck to leave the camp because he knows buck wants to be wild
A coffin hits the fourth man and Kropp keeps him from tearing off his gas mask. The injured man is the young recruit Paul comforted earlier, and they try to free his arm from underneath a coffin. As these anxious moments go on, Paul feels as though he is suffocating, because he is breathing the same air over and over in his gas mask.
To find the point of view, look at the words that are being used. First person would use I or me. Second person point of view would be using, you. Third person would use He, she, them etc.
We learned how amazingly brave she was. Instead of living her last few days on her morphine addiction, we learn how she decided to die clean. Everyday the alarm clock went off a little later, signaling her weaning herself off and eventually breaking her addiction once and for all. Jem, who originally hated Mrs. Dubose for saying a lot of mean things about Atticus, forgives her and sees her bravery. After she dies, he takes the flower she left for him and "fingers it." His views on people change because he realizes that he doesn't know what struggles they could be facing.