Today the world is change in every second. As a result of this one, the peoples are very busy and rough from their feelings.The young generation is very busy in now a days. All the child hand has the mobile phone.
I really sorry. This is the bigging of your essey. so I think you can write your essey help with this one. Try always write esseys on your self..
They won’t understand that our empathy, kindness, and care can have life or death impact consequences. If we can help students understand their mental health, we can help prevent them from getting to the place where they make a permanent decision to end a temporary situation.
Just to clarify, there are 3 options:
A) Immature writing
B)Mature writing
C)Overuse of thesaurus
and there are 3 sentences:
1) She played video games without all day long without stopping.
2) Without ceasing, she gripped her controller in her hands and dominated her video games all day long.
3) For what had the quality of time interminable, she toiled merrily at her digital amusement.
If there's only one match for each sentence, I'd say that the following pairs sound correct to me: