Compare: Both are painted and of women. Both look thoughtful, and perhaps sad. Contrast: One is dark and realistic (Mona Lisa), while the other is colorful and almost imaginary/dreamlike. The realistic painting (Mona Lisa - left) looks calm and yet sad, while the women on the right looks sad as well, but also more fearsome or worried. For the Mona Lisa on the left, the artists has added background images, while the painting on the right has an array of colors that do not create any specific image, but rather just compliment the women’s image and the emotions she exhibits.
a) Baroque artists sought to convey figures full of emotion and energetic movement.
Baroque artists were trying hard to <u>express energy, emotion, movement, dynamics, and drama</u> through their art as well as their sculptures. We can look into works of some of the most famous Baroque sculptors like Bernini, Maderno or Mochi, to see <u>sculptures that are in movement, full of expression, details, emotions, and life. </u>
Renaissance was aiming more for a classic, realistic style that celebrated the figure and the simplicity, <u>while the Baroque style was full of life and drama, embodied through sharp contrasts, theatrical facial expressions, movement, and ornamentation. </u>
Indians are Native Americans. They were the first humans in the Americas after their ancestors travelled over the ice bridge from Asia.
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