The correct answer is Cause and effect
The text presented focuses on the economic crisis of 2008. In this, the author first refers to this event through a general statement "Many people are confused about why our economy went to shambles in 2008", and then explains the causes of the event. Additionally, to do this, the author enumerates the causes, this can be seen in "Second, banks would bundle these toxic loans...".
This means the general organization of this text is to mention an event and then explain the causes of it in detail. This only occurs in the cause and effect organization because this the only one that allows authors to explore the causes and/or effects of one or more events. According to this, the structure is cause and effect.
Ged and Ogion.
The first character is Ged who is a powerful magician and dragonlord. He has scars on left cheek and shoulder and has a red-brown skin. Ged was born in the village of Ten Alders which is located on the island of Gont, while on the other hand, Ogion is an forgiving, soft, and understanding man. He is a wise magician who understands the passion and foolishness of youth. His initial sense of Ged's powerful potential never fail, and he continues to support his former learner even years after Ged leaves his side.
Answer: Pickpocket warns christian that liniere's life in in danger.
Elizabethan era! .. or some say jacobean times, either or really