To exactly which Anti-Vietnam Movement do you refer. You want a short answer. Simply listing the various groups would be too long, and each had its own ideologies. Guess it's time to hit the books.
<span>Feisty is right. I checked too. Since you only want short answers and no detail, it is abundantly clear that you don't want any reliable or relevant information. Good attitude. Lots of luck in life, but please to the rest of us a favor: when you're old enough, please, please, please DON'T vote.</span>
The correct answer is A. Formal qualifications are outlined in the Constitution
Those qualifications are that you must be a citizen, be of the appropriate age, and must live in the country for which he/she is applying to the senate position.
Women as well as men, should be able to vote
back then people, women, was not allowed to vote but now they are thanks to the Declaration of Independence.
The allies allowed Hitler to annex much of Western Europe before acting. Only after Germany's joint invasion of Poland with the Soviet Union did they join the war.