What are three pieces of evidence that support the claim that Jenner has been given credit for starting and spreading the practi
ce of immunization? ANSWER: Jenner was first vaccinated at the age of 8. Becoming interested in diseases he sought out to create a vaccine for smallpox. Edward Jenner became known as the "father of immunology." When he created the vaccination for smallpox, he tested it and spread it across the world.
(Key points needed to be correct)
He thought to intentionally infect people.
He tested a vaccine.
He sent out the vaccine.
He won many awards.
Others continued his work.
(copy n paste my answer for 5 pts and I'll report you:) )
Sample Response: Three pieces of evidence for Jenner getting credit for the spread of immunization are that he tested the practice scientifically, he sent out the vaccine to anyone who wanted it, and he gave the vaccine to someone who gave it to Thomas Jefferson.
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