In general you want to be a bit more concise in forming a thesis statement. Usually you should shoot for between 1 and 2 sentences summarizing your argument in a concise way so that it is easily understandable to the reader. I would take what you have written and look for your main argument and try and put that in 1 to 2 sentences.
Shan is considered to be a first person narrator because he both tells the story and appears in it.
A first-person narrator would obviously use the first person pronoun (I) to refer to him/herself. So, the entire story is told from this person's point of view, using that particular pronoun. E.g. 'I saw him standing there...' is an example of a first person narration which Shan is an example of. If he were talking about someone else, it would be third-person narration.
Should ticktock be banned? No because ticktock is very entertaining and fun. It makes people laugh and cry. Ticktock gives people the opportunity to shine. Ticktock can create great opportunities because on Ticktock you can go viral and become famous and with that fame it brings money. The money can be very helpful to people's families or for people who really need money to help them . Ticktock can be very addicting up to the point where you don't realize how late it is and you need to sleep. Ticktock can mess up people's sleeping schedule. Ticktock is a app where you and others can create 30-90 second videos of whatever you want. I would feel sad if ticktock was banned because it brings a lot of joy and happiness into my life.
No way! Texting helps us communicate, socialize, compromise our differences, and many more.
Hope this helps :)