Network security
Network security is a category of cybersecurity that is related to the protection of the infrastructure of the computer network from unauthorized access and intrusion that may be from intended attack or from an expedient program which may result in the modification, malfunctioning, misuse or unacceptable disclosure of the network and the contents of the network
The category of cybersecurity that 'prevents intruders from accessing, misusing, destroying, adapting, or improperly disclosing networks, network infrastructure, or the information contained within networks' is network security.
line 4
if salary < 30000
error missing ":"
if salary < 30000:
line 6
tax = salary * 0.2
error is missing identifier for tax
solution add identifier for tax on line 3
tax = 0.0
line 11
error syntax
solution is move tax = salary * 0.4 + 6000 to the right
tax = salary * 0.4 + 6000