<em>It's A, Protects people's ideas</em>
The similarity between the feudal manors of Europe and traditional villages of India is that the ability of a peasant to change the social status. Because of this, there is no social mobility to the both of them.
After the advent of Islam in the Arabian Peninsula in the 7th century, Islam started its expansion towards eastern regions through trade encouraged by the development of the maritime Silk Roads. Muslims were known to have a commercial talent notably encouraged by Islam, as well as excellent sailing skills.
<em>Webster v. Reproductive Services</em> was a Supreme Court case that upheld a Missouri law which placed restrictions of how state funds could be utilized for abortions. This case originated in Missouri. This case upheld restrictions that were viewed as unlikely in <em>Roe v. Wade</em>. In <em>Casey v. Planned Parenthood</em> is was ruled that the state can regulate abortions up to the point of fetal viability (the moment when a fetus could live outside of the womb). In <em>Roe, </em>the state could not regulate any aspect of the abortion process. While <em>Roe v. Wade</em> remains in force, these cases provide specific guidance as it relates to the role of the state in this process.