<span>The Slavic people were considered racially and culturally inferior to the Aryans and, as such, needed to be exterminated. The main goal that the Aryans and Europeans were trying to achieve was a total wipeout of the Slavic population, with a small number held over for a time as a type of forced labor.</span>
Dear Diary.
We were seeing a moment of tension, here in South Carolina, I cannot help saying that I am concerned with the result that this moment will develop, but I cannot say how much it is necessary for the well-being of our colonies.
For months I have noticed an unreasonable exploitation of the British crown, which charges us high fees and taxes, but which does not convert these taxes into improvements for our society. On the contrary, the crown refuses to organize the colony, to promote laws and even to promote the success of our stay in America, as a result, South Carolina is in a constant moment of disorganization and corruption between everything and all the elements and inhabitants of this colony.
This irresponsibility of the British crown in relation to South Carolina, makes us, the colonists, to regulate the system of taxes and taxes that we are submitted. We will not pay for something you do not consider worthy. Although I acknowledge that I have a cultural duty to England, my moral values cry out that this charge is illegal, unfair and abusive and must be combated, even if it creates a conflict between the colony and Britain.
J. E.
1763 to 1774 in years does represent relationship
1. In Greek mythology, what was the name of mother of Helios (the Sun), Selene (the Moon), and Eos (the Dawn)?
•Theia ✓
2. Who was the muse of lyric poetry in Greek mythology?
•Euterpe ✓
3. What Roman goddesses were identified with the Greek Muses?
•Camenae ✓
•There were no other such equivalents
4.Which Greek hero killed Chimera?
•Bellerophon ✓
5. Which mythic character forced travellers to wash his feet?
•Sciron ✓
6. What is the name of the Muse of comedy?
•Thalia ✓
7. The Helm of Hades which made him invisible was made from...
•skin of dog ✓
•volcanic glass
•hooves of pegasus
•human bones
8. Who were the parents of Odysseus?
•Oineus and Altea
•Peleus and Tetyda
•Atreus and Aerope
•Laertes and Anticlea ✓
9. How many wives did Heracles have?
•Three ✓
10. The pharmacy's symbol is the bowl of...
•Hygieia ✓