What is the story and is there options? I can help if you have the story:)
Love is a breach in the walls, a broken gate, Where that comes in that shall not go again; Love sells the proud heart's citadel to Fate. They have known shame, who love unloved. Even then, When two mouths, thirsty each for each, find slaking, And agony's forgot, and hushed the crying.
5 cos they left for the moon first
1 they landed on the moon and built their house
The participle in this sentence is "sweating". It's a participle of the verb " to sweat" and it's a present participle: which we know because it ends with an -ing (past participles end with "-ed).
Silent Spring by Rachel Carson was an environmental science book. It documented the negative effects the indiscriminate use of pesticides has on the environment, particularly the birds.
The book became the tool that awakened the public to the real harm that big industrial companies have been hiding from them. Thus, driving them to launch an environmental movement that aims to prohibit the indiscriminate use of pesticides, specifically DDT.