d) The lithosphere is broken into sections called plates.
Plate tectonics is the movement of the lithosphere and is responsible for such phenomena as volcanoes and earthquakes. The lithosphere is the exterior layer of the earth about a hundred kilometers thick. This layer is broken into large sized plates, about seven medium plates and numerous smaller plates.
These plates move a couple of inches every year from each other and are the cause of volcanoes and earthquakes.
Answer: Mediterranean weather zones are normally positioned alongside the western aspects of continents, about 30 and 45 degrees north and south of the equator. Areas with this weather are where the so-called "Mediterranean trinity" of agricultural merchandise has historically developed: wheat, grapes, and olives.
Streak, color, luster, crystal structure.
A. The ice has a high albedo.
Albedo is a measure of ‘whiteness’ or reflectivity which is also the rate at which a surface is able to reflect a percentage of solar radiation it receives. White surfaces have a higher albedo which is why Arctic and Antarctic regions with lots of ice sheets have a high albedo. They play a big role in regulating global temperatures. The larger the ice sheet cover in the antarctic and arctic regions, the more they reflect solar radiation back to space hence keeping the temperatures on earth from rising considerably.
Boats and ho's. buts its coal and steel.