<span>Hawaii was acquired by the United States through annexation. It was an illegal overthrow led by Caucasian businessmen many of whom were citizens of the kingdom of Hawaii supported by the US government. Queen Liliuokalani did not want to risk loss of life so she did not fight the overthrow</span>
The ancient Greeks were the first to create a democracy. The word “democracy” comes from two Greek words that mean people (demos) and rule (kratos). Democracy is the idea that the citizens of a country should take an active role in the government of their country and manage it directly or through elected representatives. In addition, it supports the idea that the people can replace their government through peaceful transfers of power rather than violent uprising or revolution. Thus, a key part of democracy is that the people have a voice.
Answer and Explanation
The trade helped to develop African societies in Maghreb Western Africa that later influence the rise of the Mali Empire.
African Gold-Salt trade brought the Arabs to Africa, leading to Arabic conquest that influenced western Africa societies due to introduction of trade.
There was spread of Islam into Africa through the trade routes of West Africa. Trade of Gold and salt saw the rice of government structures under chiefs who ruled under the kinship systems.
The development of empires grew larger with increased trading of gold and salt in Trans-Saharan trade routes. Trades from the east brought in weapons such as swords that lead to military force developments.
The human race will not live in peace until people and nations learn that differences dont matter. Some conflict can teach people different things. But it can get to the point of getting harmful when noone sees the others side of things. Peace will almost always eliminate injustice.
I just wrote from the heart so I hope it helped.
Most French Canadians immigrated to Michigan during the 1840-20th century. This chain of heavy migration was due to either economical or political reasons. For example some French Canadian's migrated for political reasons such as; young males trying to escape military enrollment during the 1st World War. Also rebels who participated in the lower Canadian rebellion (1837-1838). Now as to economical reasons, when one's life is miserable and one does not know how to pull out of poverty that person leaves it's environment. In this case, the French populated Saginaw Bay & Keweenaw regions in hopes of a better life and higher pay. Leaving Quebec, due to poverty, overpopulation, debt & infertile soil. In Michigan there was plenty of lumber and mining industry jobs readily available not seeking any or much experience. Some of these even allowing kids to work as well. The French were already experienced as fur traders and lumber workers, the only difficulty to face was the foreign language. Hope this helped & gave you a better idea on why they came to the U.S. :)