A regulatory agency that attempts to limit risk in the banking system is a "government agency", since only the federal government can legally have power over the banks and their policies.
No there should not be. This would cause war and is most likely not allowed in America.
This is because we have laws against this.
<em>It is also stated that the war chiefs will not participate in the Confederate Council, but will instead watch its progress receive and pass on warnings from people.</em>
This is a citation from <em>The Constitution of the Iroquois Nations: The Great Binding Law, Gayanashagowa</em>. This Confederation consits of five indigenous North American nations (Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga and Seneca).
This document was transmitted orally through centuries, and dates back to the 14th Century. It is also known as the "Great Peace" between these nations.
Matters of this Constitution consists of aspects of tribal and regional governance, social organization, rights and duties of leaders, protection of other rights, etc. It is believed that this constitution served as an influence for United States Constitution.
Peter Minuit was the 3rd Director of the Dutch colony of New Netherland from 1626-1631. He founded the Swedish colony of New Sweden in 1638.