There are three sub-levels of governance in France: the Regions (régions), the Departments (départements) and the Municipalities (communes). They are not bestowed with legislative powers. They exercise their functions by means of regulations for some fields and through the execution of their budget.
The school council is responsible for overseeing and making decisions that pertain to academic regulations, parent-teacher communication, what children eat at la cantine, provisions for post-school care, organization of extracurricular activities and school security.
1. Finir
2. Choisir
3. Grossir
4. Maigrir
5. Réussir
6. Réussir
7. Bâtir
8. Obéir
9. Désobéir
10. Grandir
11. Guérir
12. Punir
13. Remplir
14. Rôtir
15. Rougir
16. Saisir
17. Établir
18. Jaunir
19. Brunir
20. Blanchir
<em><u>Select </u></em><em><u>the </u></em><em><u>grammatically </u></em><em><u>correct </u></em><em><u>question </u></em><em><u>to </u></em><em><u>the </u></em><em><u>following </u></em><em><u>response:</u></em>
Y a-t-il des vallées en France?
Oui, il y a des vallées en France.
Ma grand-mère est <em>"élégante".</em>
ma grand-mère = féminin/singulier
élégante = féminin/singulier
1-J'ai grossi ----------- pandant les vacances
Complete these sentences with the correct imparfait form of the verb parentheses.
2- j'étais ---------- inqu<u>iète</u> à cause ďun examen
3-Catherine --demandait ------ toujou<u>rs </u>beaucoup de cadeaux