Just multiply 89 ft by 154 ft and you should get 13, 706ft.
. A Poison Tree is a short and deceptively simple poem about repressing anger and the consequences of doing so. The speaker tells of how they fail to communicate their wrath to their foe and how this continues to grow until it develops into poisonous hatred.
I love to roam swiftly around my home. Even when there’s music with a good tone.
Mr. Wolfshiem
The was extracted from The Great Gatsby a Novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Nick and Gatsby saw Mr. Wolfshiem
Mr. Wolfshiem decided to leave Nick and Gatsby alone to talk after he (Mr. Wolfshiem) finished his lunch.
Though, Gatsby told him not to be in haste (to leave), Mr. Wolfshiem declined.
What Mr. Wolfshiem meant by being "from a different generation" is that, he was much older that Nick and Gatsby (he later on stated this, when he said he was 50 years old)
Mr. Wolfshiem appreciated that he was invited to lunch and he also made it known that he didn't really care to impose on Gatsby's chat with Nick about their discussion
I believe the answer is because the mickey mouse brand is constitutionally protected under judicial review. Mickey mouse deserves a copyright because it is a way to protect the person who created it and the corporation who used it. It also can be used as a case to protect other businesses and designers.