Split Complementary. A split complementary scheme involves the use of three colors. Start with one color, find its complement and then use the two colors on either side of it. For example, the complement of blue-green is red-orange and the split complement of blue-green would be red and orange.
I feel like its more appropriate to leave artworks in a museum because if you leave them in their native settings it can possibly be destroyed or stolen. if you leave them in a museum it can be shown by lots of people who loved artwork and will pay billions to get one.
I love this picture and it explains a lot so as I looks at it I give me details a lot of them so I think it great 10/10
Answer 2 is the right answer if this is in 4/4
A compound meter is when beats are divided into three notes so I think the best option would be C. 6/8
Hope this helps and I hope you have a great day!