Beginning with line 93 in Act 1 Scene 5, Romeo and Juliet exchange kisses. They are talking to each other in the form of a sonnet. The sonnet form emphasizes the fact that they are talking for the first time, and much is to come later.
Social media cannot replace the value of face-to-face interactions
1)What is your approach to delegation?
2)Describe how you would ensure that production is on schedule.
3)What, in your opinion, is the most important quality in a Film Director?
4)Describe a time when you made a mistake in your duties.
I hope it helps
A quote or citation is a literal statement made by someone, quoted by someone else. Quoting differs from paraphrasing in that the latter form reflects ideas of others in their own words (the idea is maintained, but the form is different from quoting).
When citing phrases, your own text should be written in such a way that the quote is seamlessly integrated. If that is not entirely successful without, for example, moving a verb from the quotation or putting it in a different tense, then this operation should be marked by putting the word between square brackets. If something from the quoted part is not quoted, the omission must be marked with an ellipsis: three dots between round brackets.