No. 14 of Treveni Boy's Hostel,
Venkateshwara College,
Sonepat, Haryana,
Hello Mum,
How are you? I trust that you, dad and my siblings are all doing well.
I'm writing to let you know I won't be able to come home on Mother's Day. I had planned to come home on Mother's Day. I'm afraid that will not happen. The schools' sports board elected me as captain of the Hockey Team and I will be leading my hockey team as captain to compete with another college in regional finals coming up in Mumbai that same week. Wish me luck! The entire trip will last 4 days. By the time we get back to school, Mothers' Day would have been belated by two days
The good news is, my scholarship has been reviewed upwards from partial to a full scholarship. This means you and dad won't have to worry about my tuition anymore.
I'm still thinking about visiting soon as we get back. I'll find a way. Please tell Aarav and Brinda that I love them so much and that I miss them. Don't forget to give Dad a very long hug for me. I miss you all dearly and hope to get your letters soon.
All the best,
I often use the block structure:
Paragraph 1
2.Main Body Structure
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 4
Paragraph 5
3.Conclusion (paragraph 6)
I believe that this rule helps us thrive because it is taking about different life lessons. I also say that when you here these three words you should really listen because whatever it is its really juicy and important.