one: know what the whole project is about i.e that's know if it's educational,talking business contemporary issues etc
two: check for topics in the internet.
three : when that's done, you check on recent videos on the topic
it means to write your answer with no less than 50 words ?
Shakespeare perhaps could’ve said “The true question is “To be, or not to be?”
Well it’s definitely not factual because it’s opinion based, nor is it objective or emotional. i would go with subjective. because subjective is information based on personal opinions.
The theme depicted through Juliet's monologue is B: Love is powerful.
The reason behind this is that Juliet asks Romeo if he loves her and says that if he says "yes" she will believe it but if he swears he does, he may be lying. She asks Romeo that if he really loves her, he must say it truly. This is how she explains that love is powerful.