. I arose and undressed,, moving on tiptoe about the room, doing stealthily what I had to do, as if I were environed by sleeping enemies whose slumbers it would be fatal to break. I covered up in bed, and lay listening to the rain and wind and the faint creaking of distant shutters, till they lulled me to sleep). Question 1) Which image best conveys a creepy mood? A) " I turned a dark angle of the stairway and an invisible cobweb swung its lazy woof in my face." B) The noises in tbe street subsided, until the hurrying footsteps of the belated straggler died away". C) " Listening, in fancy, to voices that long ago grew silent for all time. D) " Moving on tiptoe about the room, doing stealthily what I had to do. ( Question 2) How does the oxymoron "cheery fire" affect this sentence? ' A cheery fire was burning in the grate, and I sat down before it with a comforting sense of relief. A) It gives the reader an idea of how warm the room is for the narrator. B) It shows that the fire is loud. C) It highlights that the narrator is in need of a bright place to sit. D) It tells the reader that the fire is soothing. ( Question 3) Which word is closet in meaning to groping, as it is used in this sentence? I seemed groping among the tombs and invading the privacy of the dead, that first night I climbed up to my quarters. A) Fumbling, B) caressing, C) Touching, Looking. (Question 4) Which word is closet in meaning to wholly as it is used in this excerpt? I took a large room, far up Broadway, in a huge old building whose upper stories had been wholly unoccupied for years until I came. A) Perfectly, B) Completely, C) Altogether, D) Quite. ( Question 5) Whoch image best conveys a suspenseful mood? A) " Another soothing laugh welled in my heart and rippled from my lips" B) "When my excitement had calmed, I said to myself, 'This is a dream -- simply a hideous dream." , C) "At last I roused my energies and snatched the covers back to their place.", D) Down went the pipe out of my nerveless fingers, the blood forsook my checks,." ( Will Mark Brainliest). PLEASE ONLY ANSWER THE QUESTIONS IF YOU KNOW THE ANSWERS. IM IN SUMMER SCHOOL AND HAVE TO PASS THIS CLASS.