his father's restaurant every summer since he was eight years old, and now finally, at 15, he had landed a real job. On most mornings, he let
the throngs of people become a blur around him as he steered the heavy rack of swinging suits down the sidewalk careful not to run over
any toes. But today, he happened to glance up and spy a familiar face. There at the street corner stood Pauls father, looking oddly small and
frail amid the rushing people? I'm not sure
The author mainly focuses about the internet.
in the passage, her walking ino the room with her pajamas and wild hair suggests a sense of ...not caring.
Your first paragrap you introduce your argument, the background info. Include a thesis at the end. The second paragraph: The first point of your argument with proof. (2nd paragraph) The second part of your essay (Third paragraph) is the second point with proof, the third part is the third fourth point. The last is the conclusion with a summary and memorable ending
Bradford's diction by feeling happy then sad , his thoughts what is on his mind, where is mind at.