B. Mexican and Spanish rule
The constitution adopted by the Republic of Texas was influenced by Spanish and Mexican law, especially in its inclusion of community property provisions, homestead exemptions and protections, and debtor relief.
Otrar-- located in central Asia, north of the Indian peninsula.
Genghis Khan organized and led the Mongols through an Asian conquest in the 13th century. After conquering China, the Mongols moved west taking over central and western Asia. The city of Otrar was conquered in 1219, four years after the conquest of what is now Beijing. The city held on in defense for months but eventually fell with the leadership surrendering.
Scientific innovations created jobs for Americans by that product going nation-wide. What that means, is that when someone's scientific innovation went nation wide, or even global, they wold have to build factories, and places to make and sell that product. With those new buildings, comes new jobs, and he economy is improved. Take Thomas Edison for example. He commercialized the light bulb. When it became popular, he build huge power plants to build his product. He had to have people build his product inside the power plant. Those new jobs were filled by Americans.