Explanation:The 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, forced onto the remnant Mexican government, ended the war and enforced the Mexican Cession of the northern territories of Alta California and Santa Fe de Nuevo México to the United States. Mexico ceded to the United States in 1848, minus Texan claims. The Mexican Cession consisted of present-day U.S. states of California, Nevada, Utah, most of Arizona, about half of New Mexico, about a quarter of Colorado, and a small section of Wyoming.
Pravda, (Russian: “Truth”) newspaper that was the official organ of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1918 to 1991. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, numerous publications and Web sites continued under the Pravda name.
Those present during the signing of the Declaration of Independence were the 56 delegates who represented the thirteen colonies during the Second Continental Congress.
The Declaration of Independence was the document that served as an announcement to publicize that the thirteen North American colonies had decided to go to war against England with the objective of separating from the English domain and becoming an independent territory. This document showed the reasons that led the Americans to take this decision and had the signature of 56 delegates who were the representatives of these colonies. Subscribers include names such as John Hancock, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Benjamin Franklin.