In Metamorphosis, Gregor's boss represents the grind of the morn working class life and its unquestioned authority over people.
In his rendition of Kafka's classic story The Metamorphosis, Kuper captures the rhetorical thoughts in Gregor's mind through images, in almost a <u>continuation of the undulating visual metaphor of Gregor turning into an insect.</u>
His relationship with his boss is one of oppressed and the oppressor and thus the visuals follow them. Gregor's thoughts reveal his<u> hatred for the authority he must submit to everyday through shackles, closed spaces and sharp lines.</u>
You can look for a part of the word that is added to that word, to the root of the word. For example, 'happy' is the base of the word, or the root. When you say 'happily', you see that -ly has been added to the core word, and that is the suffix.
Answer :
A. Chekhov's use of the third-person limited point of view in "The Bet" allows him to describe the banker's self-contempt when the banker reads the lawyer's essay.
The banker had turned immoral after thinking about the consequences of the bet and intends to kill the lawyer to avoid paying him the money. The non-existent narrative voice in Chekhov's "The Bet" captivates the reader to delve into the mind of the banker and understand the feelings of self-contempt and disdain that he is experiencing upon reading the lawyer's essay.
The poem 'Harlem' is an example of free verse. The meter is irregular and there is also an irregular rhyme scheme (2nd line rhyme with 4th, 5th with 7th and 9th with 10th)
Answer: i think the answer is A