Est-ce que vous pouvez m’aide?
Est-ce que tu a deux papiers?
Est-ce que tu à vu mon téléphone?
Nous parlons
Ils aiment
Elodie regarde
Le cours commence
Claire et Sylvan partagent
Regular er verb endings
Je - e
Tu - es
Il/Elle - e
Nous - ons
Vous- ez
Ils/Elles - ent
Lingviștii examinează relația dintre limbajul scris și cel vorbit, precum și structurile neuronale care stau la baza noastră care ne permit să folosim limbajul.
I am not sure but I think the answer is "Girard"
Vodiondry is a gift given by the groom to the bride's family. ...Vodiondry is a sign of respect and a way for the groom to thank the bride's parent for raising such a beautiful and wonderful daughter. Often, the groom will offer a gift to the bride's brother as well, called “tampi-maso” (meaning'eyewear').