A full moon
A half moon
A sunrise
A sunsetEither one is fine, This is actually quite simple, here's how I see it. Full moon usually means an event is taking place, half moon means the event is nearing an end, sunset means it's over, sunrise means new day, new chance etc. So I'd say sunrise is your answer
<span>I am not sure but, my guess is Götz</span>
sheeeeeeeeeeeshhhhhhh that qu3stion long hold up I gotta check real quick
Bullying can happen in many ways....
- People might just no like you
- People also think you might be ugly(which you are not)
- Some people can be over dramatic about something
- There is many other ways...
- Also there is people who could die because they are getting tired of bullying
- People can go over to much to where people just can not take it no more and they do not want to be here on this earth no more.
- Sometimes it struggles people from whom and what they are bullying about.
- You should not bully because people can take it to personal
- It is really hard sometimes because you always getting bullied and you cant even do something with out someone being near and picking on you.
- People can struggle really bad that they can eventually get tired of it