The focal point is the center of each frame.
The eyes travel across the page by moving from right to left.
Small details are in the scene like the doors, the curtain, the telephone on the wall and the characters' clothes.
Coloring is not significant.
The first time I looked at the image I didn't realize that the story was happening inside a hospital.
The illustrations show how the division of tasks between couples has changed over the generations. The message is that men must now be more participatory in order to maintain a marriage.
The technical focal point used in comic books to draw the reader's eye to the center of the board, making the visualization more dynamic and comprehensive.
While reading the story of the comic presented in the question above, the eyes move from right to left because that's how the frames are sequenced.
The small details are those that help us to identify the scenario of the story, such as the clothes of the characters, the curtain, the wheels on the beds, the telephone on the wall, among others.
Coloring and shading add nothing to the story and are only associated with the author's style.
The first time I looked at the comic book I couldn't see that the story was set in a hospital, I could only observe it after I looked at the comics again and associated them with the characters' lines.
The illustrations show a woman giving birth to her child. This woman's husband is helping and being participative while she is hospitalized. This situation is completely different from what this woman's mother went through, as her husband was completely oblivious to any kind of physical activity for the birth of children. This shows how marriages have changed over the generations and how participation is essential in a marriage.