A girl heard her mom yell her name from downstairs, so she got up and started to head down. As she got to the stairs, her mom pulled her into the room and said “ I heard that, too”. As the moment she saw her mum’s face she realised she was wearing a donut mask, she tried pulling it but it was all slimy and stuck like super glue. She started to breathe heavily as she started to suffocate, and there she saw the bloody, drenched mon..
I hope this helps. LOl
Hoping is for everyone.
Those homeless kids? They might be hoping for a meal tonight. That kid who keeps getting picked on? He's probably hoping to be left alone. That little girl who hears her parents arguing? She might be hoping that they'd just make up.
Hoping keeps people alive, in a way.
For example, when the Americans during the 1700's wanted their freedom from Britain, they started a war. They lost so many battles. If they had given up hope, then America would've still been under British rule.
If the world gave up hope when Hitler was massacring those Jews, there would be no more Jews left in the world, probably. Germany might have still been a dictatorship.
Hoping and wishing are almost the same. ALMOST. Wishing is almost always useless, face it. Who would hear and care about your wishes anyways? Wishes are for all sorts of things that we know we can't have, and that are almost always unrealistic. 'I wish I could be a millionaire.' 'I wish I could fly.' 'I wish I could eat as many pizzas as I'd like without getting full.'
Hopes are more realistic, more thoughtful, and much easier to achieve. 'I hope my mom stays alive.' 'I hope I can get this job interview.' 'I hope I can go to the park today.'
I hope this helps your answer! Good luck!
The quote simply means that if one invests for a year, the person will get rice; if the person invests for ten years, he or she will get trees and for hundred years, the investment will yield people when contribute positively to the growth of the society.
The quote means that education takes time. It's not an investment that yield instant result like that of rice in a year. An example is when one has to go through nursery, primary, secondary or high school and later go to higher institution for their B.Sc programe. Even some go further for their Masters and PhD programmes. This shows that investing in education takes a longer period but it's definitely worth it.