Fear drove action, because instead of acting in a just way which they would regualry do in a court trial, they acted unreasonably because they were scared. Many people died simply because they were <em>scared</em> that they were witches. Their fear drove them to the action of killing many inncoent people.
i cant do your work for you but we name parkes streets and scools after him and we have a whole day for him and we teach kids about him and we have a satue of him here is something to start u off
just have to read
Snickers or skittles to me
The planes carried bombs that exploded when the pilots crashed into targets.
They were part of Japanese Special Attacks Units from the military aviators. The attacks consisted of missions against Allied naval vessels to destroy more effectively the warships than with conventional air attacks. In order to achieve this, the pilots converted their planes into a flying bomb and crashed themselves into the ships.
The Byzantine Empire shifted its capital from Rome to Constantinople, changed the official religion to Christianity, and changed the official language from Latin to Greek.