Doldrums are caused by solar radiation from the sun. Because of this the sunlight beams warms the air and causes it to rise straight up instead of side to side (horizontally).
Indian Ocean and Red Sea Watershed
The Eurafrican Mediterranean Watershed borders the Indian Ocean and Red Sea Watershed along the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea.
The Arabian Peninsula is largely an endorheic basin, but the rest of the Middle East that lies between the easternmost shores of the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean belongs to the Indian Ocean and Red Sea Watershed.
This is the only one I know
What is the dominant language of sub-Saharan Africa?
<span>Three of the six dominant languages in Subsaharan Africa—spoken by at least ten million people or more—are spoken in Nigeria: Hausa, Yoruba, and Ibo. The three remaining major languages of Subsaharan Africa are Swahili, Lingala, and Zulu.</span>
USGS state has the most sinkholes place