Daedalus was bitter, angry, and jealous of Perdix's success at such a young age. Daedalus is jealous of Perdix's skill and wisdom. He wishes it could be his son, not Perdix, that is alive and well and angrily shoves Perdix out the tower.
B because the past tense of write is wrote. :)
Ms. Lottie's marigolds were the strangest parrt of the picture because it is upside down.The kids are very happy about the marigolds.
Big Mac cheeseburger Big Mac bow wow :D
Ok so this is a lot uh huh ok so passage one lol when the question says how is coming of spring addressed differently well as you can see each spring says something different at the end of it so the fist passage says AT THE END it says where the stream is full of life now I want you to read every ending of each passage and comment on what you think is the end and I will tell you if it is or if it isn’t ok