Hurricanes need a lot of heat to form, which is why they usually occur over tropical seas (at least 26°C).
The sun is close to the equator, providing energy to heat the ocean.
The warm ocean heats the air above it causing it to rise rapidly.
Water evaporates quickly from the hot surface of the ocean, so the rising air contains great amounts of water vapour.
The rising air starts to spin (anti-clockwise in the northern hemisphere)
The centre of the storm - the eye - is calm.
As the air rises it cools, condenses and forms towering cumulonimbus clouds.
The rapidly rising air creates an area of intense low pressure. The low pressure sucks in air, causing very strong winds.
Once the storm moves over land it starts to lose energy and fades.
The contiguous United States are framed by three major bodies of water: the Atlantic Ocean on the east coast, the Pacific Ocean on the west and the Gulf of Mexico to the south. The Pacific also holds the Hawaiian Island chain. The Gulf stretches from Texas to Florida and also touches Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi.
Condensation nuclei are important because they form the basic building blocks of clouds. The condensation nuclei are tiny particles on which water vapor molecules form to create the most basic elements of clouds.
Later, other water molecules continue grouping around the original condensation nuclei and get larger to form raindrops.