Answer: Beowulf is sympathetic to the humans, while Grendel shows the monster’s perspective; Beowulf is a contemporary version of an old tale, while Grendel is based on oral tradition.
Both works are written in an Old English poetic style: There is just one work - <u>Beowulf;</u>
Beowulf characterizes Grendel as bloodthirsty, but Grendel shows Grendel’s gentler side. - Grendel is a monster;
Beowulf is sympathetic to the humans, while Grendel shows the monster’s perspective. Yes, it is a monster;
Both works focus primarily on the hero, Beowulf. - There is just one work - <u>Beowulf;</u>
Beowulf is a contemporary version of an old tale, while Grendel is based on oral tradition. - Beowulf is the hero of the work; Grendel in Norse mythology, Grendel is a monstrous character.
quell the anger, agitation, or excitement of.
"he had to pacify angry spectators"
A subconscious social commentary is when a writer refers to a problem that is caused by a social custom, but doesn't challenge this costume in an explicit way. In the given passage from "On Making an Agreeable Marriage" by Jane Austen, she points out a problem for Fanny, and she knows it is caused by the social customs for dating, but she doesn't say it to not challenge these customs.
“Lynn Margulis: A Life Explained,” a 2012 article in
Young Scientists for high schoolers
key word being : eleventh grade