It made them unable to pay there taxes
The PYRAMIDS AND THE GREAT SPHINX rise inexplicably from the desert at Giza, relics of a vanished culture. They dwarf the approaching sprawl of modern Cairo, a city of 16 million. The largest pyramid, built for the Pharaoh Khufu around 2530 B.C. and intended to last an eternity, was until early in the twentieth century the biggest building on the planet. To raise it, laborers moved into position six and a half million tons of stone—some in blocks as large as nine tons—with nothing but wood and rope. During the last 4,500 years, the pyramids have drawn every kind of admiration and interest, ranging in ancient times from religious worship to grave robbery, and, in the modern era, from New-Age claims for healing "pyramid power" to pseudoscientific searches by "fantastic archaeologists" seeking hidden chambers or signs of alien visitations to Earth. As feats of engineering or testaments to the decades-long labor of tens of thousands, they have awed even the most sober observers.
Hey there hope this answer will help you!
Einstein wrote to Roosevelt for the action on nuclear research.(Multiple times)
The correct answer is - Persia the Fertile Crescent, and the eastern Mediterranean Sea.
The Persian Empire was a very big empire, including lot of people from different civilization, society, and religious conviction, in it, being well recognized as an empire where the tolerance was on a high level, there was harmony in the country, and it was a very innovative and prosperous empire for a long time. At its peak, the Persian Empire was stretching as far west as the Balkan Peninsula, involving all of the coastline of the eastern Mediterranean Sea, and as far east as the Indus River. On the north the empire was going up to the Black Sea, the Caucasus, Caspian Sea, and Aral Sea, while on the south it was bordering the coastline of the Arabian Sea and the Persian Gulf, and the northern parts of the Arabian Peninsula.