The best answer to the question: Achieving quality as exellence is just as important in service business as it is in product business. A web services company that has a difficult and confusing online interface for consumers to select the services they need could increase its quality by focusing on which attribute?, would be: Ordering ease.
Ordering ease is referred by businesses as the easiness with which a customer can enter a company´s website and order whatever goods, or services he needs from the options offered by the company itself. Applying ordering ease in the case of this web services company means that they will work on the means on their interface that will ensure that a customer can have easy access, and an easy time, choosing and selecting the items, or services, he/she needs, without having to waste hours searching through the site.
Address buses are made up of a collection of wires connecting the CPU with main memory that is used to identify particular locations (addresses) in main memory. The width of the address bus (that is, the number of wires) determines how many unique memory locations can be addressed.
Notifying the errors is always useful .
The errors should always be notified to the developer. It is useful and is important. When we provide notifications on the screen, it helps the user and it can be used to provide feedback. In regard to developmental work, it has to be important and confidential and we use the help of email to inform or notify errors to the organization. This will help the company from negative criticism and helps the company perform better. We can also write an error log when we face the same error again and again even after notifying the developer organization. This helps to put a reminder to the organization that immediate check has to be dome and eliminate the error from the source.
Some disadvantages are if we do not keep timer implementation, the alert keeps on popping on the screen, which is irritable.
value=int(input("Enter the number up-to the user wants the Fibonacci series: "))
for x in range(value):
print(c,end=" ")
Output :
- If the user input 5, then the output is "1 1 2 3 5".
- If the user input 10, then the output is "1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55".
- The above defined a python program which is used for the Fibonacci series.
- The first line of the program is used to instruct the user and take the input from the user.
- Then the for loop executes up-to that range value.
- Then in the for-loop, the two variable needs to store the current value and previous value which is used to give the series after addition.