1.¿Preparaste la lección? = Sí, yo_ la prepare
2.¿Vas a mirar televisión? = Sí, yo_ la voy a mirar
3.¿Quieres beber té? = Sí, yo_ lo quiero beber
4.¿Viste a Juan? = Sí, yo_ lo vi
5.¿Puedes hablar español? = Sí, yo_ lo puedo hablar
6.¿Estás mirando el programa? -Sí, yo_ lo estoy mirando
7.¿Están comprando los boletos? = Sí, nosotros_
los estamos comprando
8.¿Deseas ver la película? = No, yo no_ deseo verla
9.¿Vas a montar bicicleta? = No, yo no_ voy a montarla
10.¿Estás llevando guantes? = No, yo no_ los llevo.
Well since u gave no options i will give a list of the animals that ARE in it
a tinny little mouse
Answer: In the pics below- I hope this helps you understand it more
Explanation: Have a brilliant day of learning!-Lily ^-^
1. Cierto
It happens around March 20 and 21.
2. Falso
It is located in the current territory of the Republic of Guatemala.
3. Cierto.
Turists like to surf in the island.
4. Falso.
It is a port town in Peru, famous for the water activities.
5. Cierto.
They are in Punta del Este. 'Mansa' is located on the west side, and 'Brava' on the east side.
Right implies duties , because: Every fundamental right has an implied duty. Claiming our rights implies that we have the duty to allow others to claim their rights. We claim our rights to life but we also have the duty to allow others to claim their rights to life.