Thomas Paine was responding to the British Government in which he marshaled moral and political arguments for peopel to fight against Britain.
The British taxed us too much, did not give us a say, and when we did rebel, we'd be hung or killed. For this reason, we fought for independence.
Administration of Justice Act, Coercive Acts, Boston Port Act, Quartering Act
Verbal: communication with words, which may be done orally through speech or physically through sign language
Nonverbal: communication that does not involve words
Interpersonal: any type of communication, verbal or nonverbal, between two or more people
Group: communication between groups of people or within a group of people
Peripeteia means a turning point, reversal of circumstances. If you are referring to Antigone, then peripeteia is associated with the prophecy.
the last one.
In my mind, the answer is the last one.
Stereotypical characters was a nightmare. It encouraged the wrong type of behavior. It presented the Fonz as a standard of behavior for both girls and boys which was unrealistic.
Commercialism is a criticism. It means that we are in competition with our neighbors to see who has the largest yacht. That's not a very good competition.
Nobody lived like the Fonz.
Though it might not be a virtue now, it certainly is not a bad thing to portray. The answer should be the last one.