Yes, as an agent of evil Grendel does attack Herot because he hates/envies the happiness and prayers of the warriors who reside there. ... Grendel attacks because he is evil (spawn of Cain) and hates the happiness and noise of the men at the hall. He attacks killing 30 men, and then goes back the next night for more.
meaning<em>:</em><em>The phrase "Divided We Fall" is used as the title of a play by Bryan Starchman, emphasizing the need for troubled teenagers to come together in order to stand as one and help each other cope with various problems.</em>
who used the quote:
<em>Patrick Henry used the phrase in his last public speech, given in March 1799, where he said, “Let us trust God, and our better judgment to set us right hereafter. United we stand, divided we fall. Let us not split into factions which must destroy that union upon which our existence hangs.</em>”
Season of Goodbyes
The world is changing and sea turtles are being decreased in numbers, hence "save the turtles." Climate change and habitat destruction towards these sea creatures, due to pollution is another obstacle they may or may not pass. It is a season of change and they are saying goodbye to the last one and a frighted, but determined hello to the new one.
Formal: I am afraid of that place, he is a strange sort of person, don't worry child
Informal: That place gives me the heebie-jeebies, that guy is a weirdo, take a chill pill, kiddo
Hope this helps!
<span>After a thorough research, there exists a similar question with the following choices:
</span>A. Climax
B. Falling action
C. Resolution
D. Exposition.
The last part of the Beowulf excerpt recounts how Grendel flees into the darkness after suffering a fatal wound from Beowulf. That part of Freytag's pyramid best fits in the section of the story is would be (B) Falling Action</span>