article 1 section 2 of the Constitution says that each state shall have at least one US representative while the total size of a state delegation to the house depends on its population the number of representatives also cannot be greater than one for every 30,000 people
During the medieval era the Catholic Church became a more elaborate heirachy. The pope became an image of of supreme power in Europe. There was also a large population growth. Towns and cities wanted more self control. This caused a political and social struggle.
This struggle caused a huge demand of a more direct experience with Christ. Christ and his apostles became an image of more radical simplicity. The church became made a huge impact in daily life. It served as a spiritual and religious guidance. The church also made an impact into Europe's government.
These two plates will form mountains.
This is an example of convergent boundaries. Convergent Boundaries are formed when two plates move towards each other. Converge means to come together from different directions and meet at one place
In the case of you question, India and Asia are an example of a Convergent Boundary. According to the theory of Continental Drift - India crashed into India. The two land masses buckled and folded - forming the Himalayas!
Lake, -- C) A(n) example of local base level include a stream and or
Terrace, -- E) The flat, broad area surrounding a stream.
Floodplain, -- D) A sweeping bend of a stream which is migrating laterally in a wide, flat valley.
Meander, -- A) A bend in a steep narrow bedrock valley
Base Level -- B) The lowest level to which a stream can erode Remnant of a former floodplain.
- A lake is an example of the be local level is surrounded by the land on all the sides and a terrace is a step-like formation and is gentle spring in nature and a floodplain is a plain that is formed by the and that is adjacent to the base of the rover walls.
- A meander is a sharp turn or bends in the normal course of a rover and the base level is level that the r0ver can erode at the maximum depth and ocean water are considered to be the grand base level.
I = current in amps (A) R = resistance in ohms ( ) or. V = voltage in volts (V)