Easter Island, Spanish Isla de Pascua, also called Rapa Nui, Chilean dependency in the eastern Pacific Ocean. It is the easternmost outpost of the Polynesian island world. It is famous for its giant stone statues.
To be frank, I don't think your question is specific enough, but I would say that the answer would be the Rocky mountains, or just mountains. those are the only major kinds of landforms I can think of
D. Eugenics
A popular example of this would be the nazi Germans obsession with blonde hair and blue eyes
Class 8
What are natural resources?
How does land fulfil our needs?
Name a few landforms.
What are the factors that determine the pattern in which a particular region is used?
Mention some methods that are used to conserve soil?
Class 7
Name the brightest flower on tall trees.
How is natural vegetation classified?
Why do type and thickness of natural vegetation vary from place to place?
Write down the features of Tropical Evergreen Forests.
Write the features of Tropical Deciduous Forests.
Where are Temperate Evergreen forests located?
Which region is called the “orchards of the world” and why?
Write major features of Mediterranean Vegetation.
Explain major features of Tundra Type of Vegetation