This question is incomplete, because there is no picture, but I attached one, related with the question. The correct answer Trade winds are shown as number 1.
Trade winds and permamnet winds which blow between Tropic of Cancer, Equator and Tropic of Capricorn (which is between 30 degrees N and 30 degrees S.
These wind always flows from Tropics towards the Eqautor, because around the Eqautor is permanent low pressure area, and around the Tropics is permanent high pressure area. Air always flows from high pressure towards low pressure area.
Due to Earth's rotation trade winds curve a little bit, a they become prevailing Northeasterly Trades (in Northern hemisphere) and Southeasterly Trades (in Southern hemisphere). Earth rotates in west-east direction, and that is the reason for their deflection.
Trade winds got their name in the Age of Discovery (14-15 century) when sailing around the world and explorations were very common. Explorers find out that in specific regions exist winds with permanent direction. That was very importnant in the Middle Ages, so explorers always followed their patterns. Term '<em>trade</em>' is actually from Middle English and it means '<em>track</em>'.
It’s to cold and the ground freezing and the sun is unable to warn the products.
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i got you its Mumbai
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