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C. este abrigo
It means this coat, that the coat is right here, close to me. Este= this.
Hope this helps :)
of course this story is not true I just made it up
ok I will write it below
One day I went to the clinic becuse of my stomach. It kept hurting and hurting but the doctor came to check me up and it turns out I ate some gravy that my stoc did not hurt so the doctor gave me a food that would make me throw up so i could take that gravy out of my stomach
Un día fui a la clínica por mi estómago. Me seguía doliendo y doliendo, pero el médico vino a revisarme y resultó que comí un poco de salsa que no me dolía la materia fecal, así que el médico me dio una comida que me haría vomitar para poder sacar esa salsa de mi estómago.
The situation: The air pollution is so bad that the city council is thinking of banning the use of cars in the city on alternate days, depending on the last number on the license plate of the car (even numbers on Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday, odd numbers on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays)
What should state officials do?
What should local officials do?
What should local citizens have done to maintain and improve the condition of the places?