1) 3 1/2 beats
Quarter note, eighth note, quarter note, quarter note
2) 2 beats and 1 rest
Quarter note, quarter note, rest
3) 2 beats, rest, 1 beat
Half note, rest, quarter note
The nickelodeon was a type of indoor exhibition space that was dedicated to showing projected motion pictures. These can be considered the beginnings of cinemas. Nickelodeons were cheap (they charged a nickel) and were particularly popular in the early and mid 1900s. This was due to several advantages.
First of all, nickelodeons were very affordable, which made them appealing to a wide audience. This came at a time when the urban middle class was rising. Moreover, these theatres offered a continuous selection of short films, which meant that they provided leisure activities at almost any time. The owners relied on "film exchanges" to have access to a wide variety of new films. This meant that the same audiences would keep coming back, as the content provided was new. This was a great advantage to the patron.
So these debates are usually over virtue ethics (basically what you value, how you value things etc.). One debate is between the philosophy of utilitarianism and deontology (consequentialism vs means based). Social problems and issues are often times evaluated under particular values. For (a simple) ex. a utilitarian would value implementing a policy to save the most people whereas a deontologist wouldn’t look to save the most people if it meant infringing on the rights of the individual. So a utilitarian would care more about extinction then the most gruesome possible death of one person. Hope this helps!
I have to go to the school and then I’m done with my homework and bath and then I’m done with my homework I will go back in bed go home with my mom friend I think I need a ride home with you today I don’t know how to get my nails right after I get done I’m going home