<span>Les Alpes sont des montagnes à l'est de la France. </span>
1. Quel jour est-ce que tu as examen de physique? ( What day is your Pysics exam? )
b. Mardi. ( Tuesday )
2. À quelle heure est-ce que tu as maths? ( What time do you have Math? )
e. À deux heures de l’après-midi ( At 2 p.m )
3. Comment est ton cours de biologie? ( How is your Biology class?)
d. Il est difficile. ( It’s hard/difficult )
4. C’est comment l’EPS? ( How is PE? )
c. D’après moi c’est cool. ( According to me/ In my opinion, it’s cool )
5. Ça te plaït, la géographie? ( Do you like Geography?)
a. Oui! Je trouve ça fascinant! ( Yes, I find it fascinating/ amazing!)
; )
Je n'aime pas les mathématiques. Je lest trouve ennuyantes. ⓒ <u>J'en ai marre</u> de cette matière.
<em>Amicalement</em> ㋡
Getting hurt is part of life. When you first start learning how to something, you may skin your knees, get a few cuts here and there, but you learn not to do what you were doing so you change. You try the same thing uyou were attempting to succed at and not do what was hurting you before. After a few attempts you have it down and doing it effortlessly.
Have an amazing day!!
Please rate and mark brainliest!!
Does Yolande like to play sports? _ she hates it!