Do you mean REM? If so it’s an abbreviation for Rapid Eye Movement; the deepest point in your sleep where dreams occur.
It's 163 to 164 centimeters meters
Kasi po yung Mantle mainit sya may magma ganon. And also the statement of B was a false statement po kase po yung Mantle it never gets cool kaya ganon mainit lagi do yeah B yung sagot
The order must be K2→K1, since the permanently active K1 allele (K1a) is able to propagate the signal onward even when its upstream activator K2 is inactive (K2i). The reverse order would have resulted in a failure to signal (K1a→K2i), since the permanently active K1a kinase would be attempting to activate a dead K2i kinase.
- You characterize a double mutant cell that contains K2 with type I mutation and K1 with type II
- You observe that the response is seen even when no extracellular signal is provided.
- In the normal pathway, i f K1 activat es K2, we expect t his combinat ion of two m utants to show no response with or without ext racell ular signal. This is because no matt er how active K1 i s, it would be unable to act ivate a mutant K2 that i s an activit y defi cient. If we reverse the order, K2 activating K1, the above observati on is valid. Therefore, in the normal signaling pathway, K2 activates K1.
I filled out a few boxes for you to start you off. I also gave you a direct research sources for some animals that will take you to the necessary information.
This is what I have so far as examples for you. Again, I said I wouldn't do all of your work for you, however, I will help you through your research and graph.