Spoken language generally consists of short, familiar words.
Spoken language also known as oral language is a type of communication in which individuals engage in the use of spoken words and they are produced spontaneously. Some examples of spoken language are speech presentations, singing, talking etc.
A written language can be defined as the representation of spoken language through the use of a writing tool either hand written or printed. Written language involves the process of both reading and writing form of communication.
The differences between written and spoken language is that spoken language generally consists of short, familiar words such as hello, hi, goodbye, please etc.
However, written language allows the use of a vast vocabulary or grammars.
<em>For instance, the method used in answering this question is a written language. </em>
Espond to one of the following prompts in two to three paragraphs.CiTng textual evidence from "On the Pulse of Morning" and "One ±oday:"•describe some of the challenges facing the American people during the late 20th and early 21stcenturies±here were many challenges that the American had to face in the late 20thand early 21stcenturies.By reading the two poems "On the Pulse of Morning" and "One ±oday" I was able to infer some of them.For instance when Maya Angelou said ’’ Women, children, men, ±ake it into the palms of your hands,Mold it into the shape of your most Private need. Sculpt it into ±he image of your most public self. Li² upyour hearts Each new hour holds new chances For a new beginning. Do not be wedded forever ±o fear,yoked eternally ±o bruTshness.” She was saying that we had a problem with dwelling on the past andneed to get passed that because to many people have worked hard to make our country the way it istoday. So we need to look past how people, look, sound, and originated from and get back to the basic of
5. A means through which something is done.
The belief or idea can take many forms: a political or ethical belief, a theoretical or scientific idea, a personal conviction, an entrenched way of doing things (challenging the status quo), and so on. Tread carefully, however, as some topics should be avoided and can send your essay into controversial or potentially risky territory.Your challenge of the idea or belief need not have been successful. For example, if your community believes in the value of killing snakes on Whacking Day and you ran a campaign to stop this barbaric practice, your efforts could lead to a good essay whether or not you were successful (if you were not successful, your essay might also work for option #2 on learning from failure).
btw love the gooogle image!!!
C) It summarizes the main topic of the essay.
Hope this helps! Pls give brainliest!