Cells in onion peels are dead and the ones in spinach are alive.
Answer: Biological polymers are large molecules composed of many similar smaller molecules linked together in a chain-like fashion. The individual smaller molecules are called monomers. When small organic molecules are joined together, they can form giant molecules or polymers. These giant molecules are also called macromolecules. Natural polymers are used to build tissue and other components in living organisms.
Generally speaking, all macromolecules are produced from a small set of about 50 monomers. Different macromolecules vary because of the arrangement of these monomers. By varying the sequence, an incredibly large variety of macromolecules can be produced. While polymers are responsible for the molecular "uniqueness" of an organism, the common monomers are nearly universal.
The variation in the form of macromolecules is largely responsible for molecular diversity. Much of the variation that occurs both within an organism and among organisms can ultimately be traced to differences in macromolecules. Macromolecules can vary from cell to cell in the same organism, as well as from one species to the next.
How diseases happens to spread in communities is the direct contact of bacteria, viruses or other germs from one person to another. This can happen when an individual with bacterium or virus touches, kisses, or coughs on someone who isn’t infected.
This statement refers to Test Cross.
Generally a Test cross involving an individual with a homozygous recessive trait . When a single trait is being studies, a test cross is a cross between an individual with the dominant phenotype but of unknown genotype (either homozygous or heterozygous) with a homozygous recessive individual. If the unknown is heterozygous for a trait, then approximately half of the offspring will display the recessive phenotype. If all the offspring carry dominant phenotype, Then the unknown genotype is homozygous.
at Atwoods Café when I sat at a table for two near the door
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